Tuesday, April 26, 2022


 I was driving down the road minding my own business.

Damn traffic! Why does everyone get in my way? Those idiots should learn to drive. Don’t they know that I have important people to see and places I need to be? It never fails. I try to control things so I don’t run into problems. I am good at planning. It’s all in the vision you know. Get it a certain way in your head. Make that vision real tight. Lock it up and make things work that way. That’s how I run my business. I am worth millions because of it. That’s how I run my household. A place for everything and everything in its place. I keep everyone on a schedule. Never any waste of time.

Yep, as I always say, I can control everything but the weather and traffic.

“Dial office”

“Curmudgeon Enterprises, how may I direct your call?”

“Marge, Masters here. I am running a tad late, traffic is snarled, push back all my appointments 22 minutes... What?”

I was looking at the car ahead of me and I swear the license plate reads HEY ASS.

Looking closer it really say X987-GH

“Sorry Marge, Some jerk ahead of me. Push all my appointments 22 minutes back and

cancel my luncheon”

“Terminate call”

“Schedule update. Change all... FUCK”

What’s with my vision? I swear that license plate reads LISTEN

“beep, beep. Unable to locate appointment FUCK, please specify”

“Ignore. Schedule update all appointments today to start 22 minutes DAMN”

What is going on? That license plate reads SPOOOKY

“beep, beep. Unable to modify appointments as described.”

“Terminate schedule update”

I must be working too hard. Now I am seeing things. 




“Dial office”

“Curmudgeon Enterprises, how may I direct your call?”

“Marge, Masters here. Please cancel all my appointments today. After that, please call the spa and make an appointment for yourself. Have them bill the company. I’ll see you tomorrow, take care”

“Terminate call”




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