Monday, February 14, 2022

Bird Lake

I was minding my own business.  Staring down at a magazine reading about Tiger OS. Just what I need in my life, more computer stuff. Two giant hands grabbed the sides of my head and yanked it upwards away from the magazine article. Pulled my eyes to a car driving down the road. I felt a pain rip through my heart and I continued to look.

Cars don’t drive down our road. At least cars that I don’t recognize. Today was a bit different. A second day of a yard sale to move out some of the things that no longer held any value in our lives. Things that once had some meaning now being offered to strangers for a word and a few jingling coins. I was sitting in the heat watching over this junk hoping people would drive down from the main road a few miles away just to paw through it.

The wet from last night’s storm is still lingering on the trees and shaded areas of the ground. The sun is working hard to pound the world to its mercy. Thankfully an occasional breeze would blow by and cool the sweat that was forming on my body. I loved the rustle of the leaves as the wet changed to droplets by the wind and then the musical cascade as these droplets came crashing to the ground bouncing off the greenness.   The view reminded me of some lost value that I had missed about where I lived. Sitting on the porch gave me some peace and allowed my spirit to soar with nature.

I could hear the car drive to the dead-end circle and head back the way it had entered. I expected another drive by. People are not willing to bet the heat on a bargain. Little did they know that I was virtually giving away my forgotten treasures.  This car slowed to a stop and parked outside of my vision. The road and most of my view is framed in the green of the trees that I so love.

My heart skipped a bit and I wondered why. I felt another ripple through my heart that sank slowly to my gut. I couldn’t move my eyes from the trees. I watched a flicker of aqua flash along the road as somebody approached my driveway. I am sure I stopped breathing. I didn't know why. There had been other browsers. In fact a couple was looking through the boxes of books that we held up for adoption.

My driveway is made of dirt and needs work like most things in my life. A lake has formed near the road that I have named Bird Lake. It rests a few steps away from Frog pond. Both are welcomed by the animals but are typically scorned by visitors. I had watched a family of Robins earlier play in their lake. They looked so happy and I was glad that I could witness it.

The first thing I noticed about the visitor was the way that she navigated around the lake. Dressed in sandals there was no hesitation as she turned to walk along the wet grass.  Most people stopped and studied before they chose to walk along the small strip of driveway that served as the lake’s border. My eyes chose to climb her body. Dark blue jeans bordering on almost black. Her jeans filled nicely with her hips. The aqua that I had glimpsed was her Spaghetti Strap Top.  She had hair and a smile.


In an instant I was blinded. I could feel her true joy even 30 yards away. I had to blink and look away. Still my eyes would not listen to the crying of my heart. We settled on the brightness of the aqua and agreed I could not handle the joy that was carried in her face. Don’t ask me to describe how she looked. It was only a brief moment that I held her face in my gaze. And yet my eyes never left her.

How my voice responded with a Good Morning as she said hello I’ll never know. My brain was not mine at that moment.

My eyes followed her movements as I watched her hands gently reach in a box and caress a stack of records. Savoring the title and taste of each one.  I witnessed a tenderness as she examined a sampling of our lost and discarded treasures. Taking her time to give each one some attention she continued until she had witnessed each and every item.  I saw her breathe a moment and take one last look around. Facing the road she turned her head in my direction and with a blazing smile gave me a “Take Care” and walked back the way that she had come. I heard someone who sounded like me echo a “Goodbye” in her direction.

I held my breath and continued to watch her as she disappeared back into the trees. My vision never faltered even as I strained to look through those trees. Her car door opened and closed and there she was as her car sped past the split second opening that I afforded. Once past my head dropped and my eyes closed. I swallowed and forced myself to breathe even as I felt that magic race through my veins.


There was silence even as I collected the $1.00 for the 4 books the couple had decided to adopt. Silence even as I thanked them and they walked down the driveway with their treasures.

The funny thing about magic is it echoes in your heart. As the waves crashed through me I wondered if she knew the magic that she held. I wondered if everyone could feel it? I wondered if it were a one way street or if she could feel it reflected back to her? I wondered but I knew.


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